Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Tax Day 2009

While I wish that picture was of me .... it still captures how I feel today after working on taxes yesterday. :-) She’ll understand one day. That picture was really in response to my picture taking one day last week... she felt that good about it. Ha!

Another year.... another day to give the government more of my hard earned money. And.... first year of my newly acquired status again - married. It sucks to be honest. My taxes would be much better off had I stayed single and Head of Household surprisingly. However..... we didn’t take into consideration the impact of tax status change when John and I decided to marry last year and what was the alternative? Well... we could have lived together in sin I suppose. Would have been a great role model for the kids. not.

Anyhoo... the process of doing taxes is just not fun. Gathering all the paperwork. Trying to figure out what you can claim, what you can’t claim. I found myself really working hard to find claims this year. It’s just not enough for the government just to invest in your own children and family, home, etc. and gee, I don’t know, just pay the electric bills and feed everyone. You can’t claim those expenses (uh life) as a deduction even though I’m already paying taxes on both those things - my electric bills and my groceries (much of them).

Interesting though.... what else do we use already taxable monies to pay more items that are then taxed again in life that you don’t get to take as a deduction or recoup?

Paying Taxes on the income used to pay taxes.....

**Updated at 10:00 am*** cause I remembered a biggie!!

Just take Utilities which are all TAXED already..........

Electric Bills - pay all those taxes (state, city, local, heck probably even the electrician himself)
Phone Bills - either land or cell
Water/Sewer Bills
Gas Bills

For us... probably $12,000 a year that already includes taxes!!! I should get to deduct all those taxes from my taxable income, don’t you think? Probably a good 20% - $2400. That would be nice. (And... if for some reason I really can, would someone please tell me!!! Turbo Tax didn’t walk me through that one.)

How about Gasoline Taxes??!! ... yes, I think I read we pay about $.31 for every gallon we buy to various taxes only half of which is sales tax. Just think how much that would be for me in this sales job I have. Paying taxes with money that's already taxed is really a sham.

Sales Tax Credit

And really does this Sales Tax Credit really capture most all that you spend in Sales Taxes?? I just take the standard deduction there because I am not nearly disciplined enough to keep all the receipts and then go back and start tracking how much I pay in Sales Tax on everything in a year. But... I’d love to know the answer.

Well.... Have to run now .... can’t be late getting that filing into the government or gee... I’ll end up paying more in taxes to them in late fees!!



Lynn said...

You are brave to do your own taxes. I drug my feet this year just gathering all the stuff for the accountant. In fact, I was so late that he informed me yesterday that he is filing an extension for us.

The bright spot in the day is attending a luncheon featuring Janice Woods Windle, author of "True Women." You may have seen the movie, but Mrs. Windle wrote the book after finding that her female ancestors were pioneers in early Texas. These women went through the fight for Texas independence from Mexico, the reconstruction period after the Civil War, and through the Comanche raids on Texas pioneers.

It is a facinating story and I am so looking forward to hearing her speak today.

Anonymous said...

Those taxes stink, don't they?
If you can figure out how to get around it, let me know! mom

Stacey said...

I don't even know how to file my own 1040EZ day stinks!!!!