Saturday, April 25, 2009

Saturday Thoughts

Rain, Rain, Rain.... Lots of Rain
Boy... did we have some rain last night! It was supposed to have been a 20% chance of rain yesterday. Little ‘ol percentage which in Texas just means you might see a sprinkle or you might see a gully washer.

Well... we got the gully washer last night. A strong storm generated strong rain and some small hail and sat over us for about 4 hours. I truly have no idea how much rain we had, but it was coming hard and fast. We had gone out about 7 pm for our normal Mexican food Friday dinner and had picked up one of Rachel’s friends, Bridget, to come with us. When we were going into the restaurant, it had started sprinkling and soon after, full rain. We were purposely being slow at dinner because it kept raining - hard. Rather stay in the restaurant and wait for it to stop then get out in it, but by 9:00 p, it hadn’t stopped. So... we had to get out in it. By the time we got back into Friendswood, some of the main streets were were flooding. Have to say, one really nice thing about the Jeep is it is built to handle water pretty high up, so we were able to navigate through the higher water places that some other cars may not have been. The Jeep and trucks!! :-) Rachel was spending the night with her friend so we got them there and got back to the house at 10 pm and it was still pouring. Continued raining until about 11:30 pm. We’re supposed to have more today I think. I hate to look at my garden because the cilantro here near the house in pots was beat down from the rain and hail. Makes me a little nervous about the tomatoes out in the garden. Hopefully, they are ok.

Baseball games were rained out today .... just means the season lasts longer with makeup games to come.

Driver’s Permit - did not obtain it yesterday (much to Rachel’s dismay). Too many people there by the time we got there to get it done. We’ll head over there one morning next week.

Chili Cookoff Results - benefitting March of Dimes
March of Dimes ....

El Fiasco Chili Team

Our Team, El Fiasco (Me, Ashley, Gina & Kristi and honorary member & chili cook, John) placed 2nd in the Ultimate Chili Cookoff competition yesterday. Officially anyway. I beg to differ and have deemed our team to have placed first place. Why? Here’s why. The name of the contest was Ulitimate . Chili. COOKOFF ....... some of the teams forgot the cookoff part and substituted bought chili instead. The First place winner was chili bought from Goode Company BBQ and the third place winner was bought from James Coney Island!!! The rules did not clearly state that each submission should be an original self-cooked recipe of said team, so I suppose their entries were legit (although not in the spirit of a cookoff ). We do take our chili cooking seriously here. Regardless of the competition (yes, I’m competitive), all the chilis were good and we raised money yesterday with lots of donations to March of Dimes to give a 7 of the chilis a try! (7 teams).

The El Fiasco team came in second on the creativity/name. First place deservedly went to our international group who came up with the classic name of the times- Bowl of TARP. That’s a good one.....

Here’s a link to all the pictures from this event... it was a fun lunch.

A few pics below:
Judges Tastings
One Team....
The chili line.... :-)

1 comment:

Stacey said...

You were SOOOOO robbed!!! You should have won FIRST!!! Next Year!!! (I'm NOT competetive either, in case you hadn't noticed!) :-)!!! Let me know when you are starting your ark building party!!! Rain-rain go away....send it our way...we are parched!