Saturday, April 4, 2009

Saturday Notes....

Yes, I know it's been almost a week since I posted anything.  Shame on me!!  The reason for this blog was to capture our daily lives .... well... daily lives this week have been crazy busy!!  So... no time to capture it in writing, just time to live it!!

The MOST important item of the week was ......

OUR ANNIVERSARY!!!  April Fool's Day

John and I celebrated our 2 year "first met" anniversary!!  It's not our wedding anniversary which will come up on July 4th, but is the anniversary of when we met!!  Yes,  we met on April Fool's Day (only) 2 years ago!! Seems like a lot longer than that, but it's true.   I think it's pretty funny that we met on April Fool's Day as well.... speaks volumes doesn't it!!      Since we're capturing memories, this picture is not from when we met, but rather from our honeymoon last July.  I just happen to love the picture!!      So.. you ask... what did we do for to celebrate our first meeting anniversary??  Ummm... as life with children goes, I took Rachel to a flute lesson and the boys hung out at home.  Fun.. huh.  Tis life!!  I think John has planned something for tonight instead.  He's keeping it secret, so shush.

SECOND Most Important Item of the Week

SUPPORT RACHEL RIDING THE MS150 from Houston To Austin April 18-19

Click HERE to go to Rachel's Site to Donate!!

Our family has a personal connection to Multiple Sclerosis (MS).  John's youngest daughter, Laila, was diagnosed with MS last summer at age 21, as well as a very good friend of mine at work who was diagnosed with MS last fall.  We know first hand the symptoms, impacts on life, and the treatments available for MS right now.  From the support for MS that has been given in the past, Laila and my friend have great treatment options for their MS.  Our hope is that with continued support for research in MS, one day there will be a way to free them and everyone else with MS from the disease and prevent it from occurring!    

Many of you may not be aware of this, but Rachel (age 15, freshman in high school) has expressed an interest into going into medicine for a career.  Specifically, she's interested in cancers and diseases such as these.  She spent last summer at Duke University taking a Biology of Cancer course to further her interests.  She's interested in helping discover new and effective treatments and cures.   

Rachel's method to give back right now is through an event such as this to raise money for the research needed for MS treatments and cures!  Please help her in this cause by visiting her site  HERE  and making a donation!  Her goal is to raise $500.00 and then get on her bike in two weeks and ride for two days and 180 miles (yes, it's not really 150) from Houston, Texas to Austin, Texas!! Just to give some comfort to those who may think I'm sending her out there alone... relax, her dad is riding with her.

THANK YOU from Rachel and all of us!!!

The rest of the week was filled with work and life.

Started off with my trip to Galveston for our annual Treasury Management industry conference for two and half days - Sunday through Tuesday.  Always good to see my friends in the industry but a very tiring event.  Was glad to get home on Tuesday night and honestly, not feeling well by then.   

Galveston......I only live 30 miles or so from Galveston, but honestly, have not ventured down there since the Hurricane.  Really had no reason to up to this point.  There is a good deal of the hotels, restaurants, etc. up and running especially along the Seawall, but then a lot of the homes are still a mess around the area.  

I stayed at the San Luis Resort which is definitely up and running and beautiful on the outside again.  Unfortunately, while I like this hotel, they put me in a smoking room the first night.  I really didn't notice it until I went to bed that night and the pillows/bed smelled terribly.  By that time, the hotel was sold out and I couldn't move rooms.  So... I had to deal with it.  I woke up the next morning with a head full of mess!!  It was yucky.  They were able to move me the next night to a non smoking room which was good.  Apparently, I'm developing allergies in my older age because I started having problems this week and the non expert in me really believes it has something to do with mold, mildew or something like that.  Anyway.... I came home Tuesday not feeling very well which really has lasted until today.  I woke up this morning feeling better.  

Rest of the week... was busy busy.  Baseball, flute, date night, work, garden.... we've been tired around here.  Kids are off with their Dad this weekend and we're just working around the house!!  

Baseball Update: Two games this week.  They Knights lost one and won one.  Stephen's bat has gone a bit silent these last two games.  Another game today, so we'll see how it goes.x

Garden Update:  Planted tomatoes (9 plants), squash, zucchini, eggplant, cantelope, jalepenos, serrano, poblanos and herbs two weeks ago.  Luckily, last weekend's little cold snap didn't get below 40 here in my yard!!  They are all doing well and there are three little tomatoes on one of my plants already!!    Today, I am planting the remaining pieces of the garden for this spring (I think)  - lima beans and blackeye pea seeds are going in the ground this weekend.  We are also putting in the irrigation system this weekend.  Next on the list is to design a better netting system to keep birds out before the tomatoes start to really get going and then put some poles in for the beans.   

Tis all for today!!  Have a great weekend!!


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