Monday, April 20, 2009

Monday April 20, 2009

It’s Monday again... they keep coming every week!!

After a very wet weekend here in Houston (we got somewhere around 9 inches of rain here), Sunday was beautifully sunny and cool in the 70’s. Windy. The rest of the week is supposed to be cool at night, warm in the days but not too warm. Upper 70’s/Low 80’s - low humidity. These are the few weeks we get to sort of act like we have perfect weather. Not too far from now, our highs will approach 90’s and the humidity will creep in for the summer. But, for now, we’re enjoying these few really nice days we get!!

MS150 Update -
I don’t have any pictures yet. Supposed to get some. Rachel went about half way on Sunday and her knee started hurting. She’s been struggling with a little tendonitis in one of her knees from running in soccer, and by about half way on Sunday with the 15 mph headwinds, she couldn’t go any more on it. Proud she got that far!!

Baseball Update -
Stephen had a game tonight and had two hits, and two scores. YAY! The Knights won the game too!! Nothing came to him in the field.

Rachel had a Soccer Banquet tonight and John took her since Stephen had a game and I had a work commitment dinner in town for a fundraiser for a client. I hear it was ok - but not great.

Heading to bed... has been a busy day!!



Lynn said...

Sorry to hear about Rachel, but Sunday was a pretty tough day to be riding a bike. It says a lot about her determination, though, for her to go as far as she did.

Stephen must be proud......and, of course, his mama is extra proud. :D

Well, it hit 90 here today! In fact, the heat ran me in for a couple of hours before I could help with the unloading of the dirt for the raised garden beds. I am surprised that Houston wasn't a little hotter than my part of Texas.

As an ex-Houstonian, enjoy, enjoy, enjoy those few days before Summer bursts upon you.

Stacey said...

Good job Stephen and Rachel!!! Am VERY proud of both of you...sounds like you guys are really lucking out in the weather department, enjoy it while you can!!