Wednesday, February 18, 2009

We're getting there...

So, it's Weds.  Middle of the week.  It's the only day of the week where we don't have any commitments out of the house in the evening!  That'll be nice tonight!!

Last night was Bible Study with Beth Moore!  She's just so amazing.  God sure has entrusted her with a spiritual gift that is touching so many people.  We're studying about our Inheritance and what that means to us.  I'm don't think I've put together all the pieces in my head that she has mentioned, but it's starting to resonate.  She talks quickly and with passion, you just have to hang on and listen!!

We're in a weather pattern that I just don't care for around here.  Temps in the upper 60/70's, muggy and misty wet.  YUCK!!!  Just feels like everything sticks to you. My friends/family in Central Texas are praying for rain, so I hope some of this gets to you!

Have a great Weds!


1 comment:

Lynn said...

I hear you on what Beth says concerning our inheritance. It takes a while for it to sink in. Beth's passion for the Lord and the Word is contagious. I love doing her Bible studies.

BTW, thanks for the prayers but keep praying for those of us in Central Texas. We get mist, a little fog, and about ten drops of rain before it quits. Our top soil is still blowing away. :D