Monday, February 16, 2009

Not Me! Monday!

Welcome to Not Me! Monday! This blog carnival was created by MckMama. You can head over to her blog to read what she and everyone else have not been doing this week.

Ok - so I thought I'd give MckMama's Not-Me Monday Carnival a twirl... see what I can come up with anyway.

As I mentioned on a post last week, Rachel had her first "date" on Friday night.  I most certainly did not consider taking a picture to commemorate this event for scrapbooking and forever!  That would have earned me some serious ignoring from my oldest child and I certainly wouldn't want to ever do anything to embarrass her.  :-)   I most certainly did not tell her that the next time she wouldn't be so lucky!!  No, not me!

I have the most wonderful husband who, for Valentine's Day, certainly did not take my order for a homemade dinner and make it to a T and then let me sit on the couch with my computer while he slaved away cooking it!!  Of course, knowing he was doing so much work, I most certainly did not just sit around like a Queen drinking wine and munching on cheese & crackers!! No, not me!

I know I did not wear my favorite pair of jeans for several days in a row because I was just not too lazy to wash them!! That would be just really yucky and smelly and just so not cool. No, not me!

And.. of course, I most certainly did not stay in bed a few extra minutes one (or three) morning(s) last week trying to come up with a reason to justify staying there all day.  And while not thinking about reasons to justify staying there, of course I was not thinking about ways to become a millionaire so I could stay there indefinitely. No.. of course not me.  

While working on my (umpteenth) school science project for a child, I most certainly did not curse the person who ever came up with the idea of science projects and all the mess that goes along with them for the p.a.r.e.n.t.s!  No, not me!!  I most certainly did not keep putting off Stephen desires to work on said project until the last possible day (Sunday) because it's just not how I wanted to spend my day!!!  No, I have NO selfish tendencies, not me!

Ok - so perhaps not so bad for my first Not Me, Monday!!

Have a great evening!



Wayne said...

Hey what a great first not me monday I thought you did very well

Stacey said...

Good Not Me's! How did you make the Not Me! Monday pic so big on your post? Mine always is so tiny and how can you write a word and then put a line through it like you are crossing it out? I can't figure that out. I'm a nerd, I know....

Lynn said...

Today I was not ten days behind in the Esther study; and since about 4:30 pm, I still am not 5 days behind. lol

Being brutally honest is not me and it is not hard to be not me. :D Gad, this is hard! You did good, Mary-Austen, real good.

Mary-Austin said...

Thanks for the encouragement !!