Sunday, September 14, 2008

This is so cute!

I have to post from my cell at the moment so the pictures are sideways unfortunately.

This was really cute and cool. John and I went in search of gasoline today. We finally found a gas station that had power come back on and had gas. We very quickly got in line. While we were in line, these two cute young girls came walking down the sidewalk (with their Mom) offering lemonade in dixie cups to anyone who wanted it. It was free, although I did give them a little donation. They were really cute and just happy to be helping in the midst of all this chaos around this city right now. They eventually set up a little lemonade stand in their driveway. It was a bright spot right now!

So, why gas? Well... you know we have this power generator. It works really, really well. Was especially important last night when the low temperature was 78 and the humidity was 90%. We were so sticky and uncomfortable. Luckily, the generator provided some fans that allowed us (more me) to sleep. The generator is also keeping our food/freezers from spoiling, so important things. HOWEVER.... the generator needs GAS to run. Just for those who haven't had to deal with a disaster of some kind. Gas stations may physically have gas, but if they don't have power, they can't pump the gas. So.... until one gets power, you're out of luck.

Grocery stores have started opening without power just using their backup generators. They are only selling nonperishable items but most everyone has run out of water, ice, bread, etc.

It seems perhaps our State & FEMA (repeat.. FEMA) aren't quite as ready as everyone would have liked them to be. Both State government & FEMA had assured our city that supplies (all things such as food, fuel, water, ice, home protection supplies .. tarps) were prepped and staged in nearby cities and would roll in quickly after the storm went through. Well.... the story has now changed and it seems there is some fingerpointing going on between everyone, but the bottom line is nothing was staged very close and no one really knows (or is willing to say) when any of these supplies will actually reach the Houston area. There was a new conference just a few min ago with Michael Chertoff, Homeland Security, Mayor Bill White and several other State Reps and basically, someone screwed up. Time will tell if we will know which governmental agency didn't do what they were supposed to do. Bottomline: Nothing has made it's way into our community originated with our Government, either state or federal. However, many other private supplies have made their way in and been distributed by local churches and radio stations. The roads are not blocked... there is no reason they aren't here yet other than bad planning.

Kids are still at Rob's but think they will be coming home tomorrow. Although, not sure what we all will do. School is out through Weds. at this point and if power doesn't come up before then for all of Friendswood, then probably the remainder of the week. One TV station reported that John's school (Goose Creek ISD) is closed indefinitely but their website says only through Monday. They were in some of the worst surge... I'd tend to go with the former, but we'll have to wait and see.

Speaking of power.... I heard a bad rumor earlier. One of the neighbors around here has a relative who is the Chief of Police for Pasadena. He was speaking to the Chief of Police of Friendswood and the Texas New Mexico Power company (which is our line provider) has told the Police not to expect power for at least 4 days and perhaps even as long as 2 - 3 weeks. Well.. doesn't spell good news for us because typically essential services (Fire, EMS, Police, City Hall, etc.) will be brought up before residences. Lovely thought....

Let's just keep praying for all the fine men and women that are working around the clock right now to bring power back to our entire community. One large blessing.... the cool front came in this morning, our humidity has dropped to closer to 60% and it's not too bad here in the house right now.

Love ya!

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