Sunday, June 21, 2009

Happy Father's Day!!!

Today is THE day... the day to wish for a Happy Day for all the Fathers out there.

Two very special Fathers I’d like to honor today:

My Father: Walter


My Dad is so special to me and to others. He’s a wonderfully God made man.

Random Thoughts about my Dad:

Loving, kind, gentle, barks on occasion, musically gifted, talented gardener, extremely social, enjoys wine, loves his family, loves his grandkids, passionate about Jesus, enjoys western movies and John Wayne, enjoys fishing, happy in retirement, strict on behavior requirements, has great stories to tell, enjoys reading, has (really) selective hearing and enjoys learning new things.

My favorite memories of my relationship with my Dad

I don’t really recall too much of my childhood in specific memories. Not sure why that is. I remember bits and pieces only. It was a happy childhood, I just don’t have the type of memory that recalls specific interactions I suppose. I do remember though that my “real close” relationship with my Dad didn’t start (from my opinion as I’m sure he’ll say gee, right when you were born MA!) until right around when I graduated from high school. Up to that point, in my mind, my Dad was definitely my parent. I knew he loved me and my sisters. When I was growing up, he said and did parental things more from a behavior/grade modification standpoint. I wasn’t a bad kid, well, at least not too much. There was that junior high time frame which I think my head spun around like the exorcist. But, once out of that awful time frame, I think I did ok in high school. Made good grades, didn’t give my parents too hard a time. They may have thought so, but I was their first, so what did they know. (ha ha) I do know there were plenty of folks who did things A LOT worse than me. I turned out pretty good so they should be proud! :-) However, I do know there were plenty of times that extreme amounts of patience were needed when handling three (3) teenage girls. I’m appreciative of that patience and mercy at times.

But, I digress. Back to when my “real relationship” began with my Dad, outside just the basic parental survival stuff. It seems to me that I crossed some magic line when I graduated from high school. At that point, it seems to me that my Dad decided (in some ways) that perhaps he had done all he could do in raising me up right, and now, our relationship could relax a bit and he could take a step back and let me find my way. He was (and still is) there for me always - good and bad. But something changed at this point that was neat - He would talk more to me about himself, his thoughts, what he did for a living, as well as guide me in conversations about my goals in life, boyfriend breakups and even marriage (and divorce) when it came about. I guess we went from parent rules to parent/friend relationship as I became an adult when I turned 18 and it has progressed wonderfully from there. I really love that relationship a lot. My Dad is fantastic and I appreciate him so much. Love you Dad!

Have a Happy Day Dad!!

My Husband: John

My husband... he’s a great man and a wonderful Father.

Random Thoughts about my Husband:

Cowboy loving, positive outlook, loving, teddy bear, kind, even keel, nature loving, enjoys western movies and John Wayne, traditional views on behavior, barks on occasion, happy, loves football, demands respect, loves his children and family, loves teaching, enjoys dancing and live music

My favorite memories so far

I enjoy watching and listening to my husband interact with his children and mine. He’s very patient when needed, but also very demanding of them when needed. This has helped shape his girls, Laila and Ariane, into lovely young ladies and has made a difference with Stephen and Rachel. I’m not always as patient as he is and sometimes not as rational (i’m sure you’re shocked! ha ha). He brings us back into equilibrium at times. I suppose that’s why he feels so strongly drawn to teaching and teaching in areas where, in many ways, you are also providing some “parental type” support and guidance along with the teaching. He’s good at it and wants to give back to society in that manner. From a parental standpoint, my favorite memories are knowing that I will get his support with the kids and knowing he will require them to be respectful to me and others. He is helping me shape them and for that I’m very appreciative and grateful! Love you honey!

Have a Happy Day John!!

Love to all -


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