Friday, June 19, 2009

Friday, June 19th

I bet you thought we fell off the earth!!?? Well... we didn't. But it has been an eventful week.

As you know.. we took Stephen back to camp on Sunday. John and Rachel did "stuff" on Monday and Tuesday which included her Physical Therapy and follow up Doctor Appointment.

Her shoulder is progressing very well with flexibility and her doctor is pleased. They started "torturing" her at PT this week as they start moving her shoulder a different way. She's a little sore!

John headed out to the Ranch on Tuesday for a couple of days away out at the ranch living it up rustic style. He loves it. It's too hot, from my perspective, to even think about going out there right now. Not for me, that's for sure. He called yesterday and I actually think it got too hot for them too. They ended up going to Bandera for the day/evening and will be heading home early this morning.

While all this is going on, I'm working my tooshie off this week. Lots of business meetings and tasks I have to accomplish.

Then.. Stephen throws a kink into the week. Not by his own choosing, poor thing.

Received a call from the camp nurse on Weds morning and had to go retrieve him in Colombus, TX and bring him home. He had a couple of unexplained fainting episodes, a little cold and was very, very tired. Took him to the pediatrician Weds evening when we got back to have him checked out. Given how hot it has been here in Texas right now, one might have thought the heat played into it, but the fainting episodes took place within a short time of waking in the morning before the heat and after a good night's rest. One time prior to eating, one time after eating. So, the doctor didn't feel it was related to dehydration, heat exhaustion, or even sugar related. He had an episode a few weeks ago one morning at home that in hindsight, may have been a fainting episode. My kids sleepwalk and it looked somewhat like he was sleepwalking, so that's what I thought it was. It's fairly common for adolescents to faint during times of growth, so maybe he's just growing? That would be a good sign. The other possibility is not so good. It's possible it could be heart related, so the doctor is treating him with caution at the moment until we know if it is or is not heart related. He will have an EKG on Monday at Tx Children's. In the meantime, he's feeling better but still tired. He has a few restrictions right now until we can rule out a heart issue. He can't go swimming, no climbing or jumping, can't go out in the heat and no airplanes for right now. Unfortunately, that means he won't be able to attend the Rice Baseball Camp next week that he loves! Better to be safe right now though.

The end of the week is almost here!



Lynn said...

I am so sorry to hear about Stephen. I shall definitely be praying for him.

Stacey said...

better safe than sorry....we are praying!!! Give him big hugs!!

Anonymous said...

praying for both of the kiddos

Anonymous said...
