Friday, May 1, 2009

Baby girl is all prepped and in surgery now. Isn't she cute??!!

Had a little excitement this morning as we all discovered missy rachel has the vasal vegal reaction. Not quite sure how to explain it but the gist of it was that shortly after they put in the IV, probably 3 min or so, Rachel says "I'm not feeling too good" and she proceeds to lose all color, to drop her heart rate to 0 then 40 and her blood pressure down very low and passes out with a little seizure-like behavior apparently. Nurse asks me if she has seizures and I say "ummm. Not that we've seen before" and the medical folks start jumping. Pop the oxygen on the face and open up the IV fluids and she then quickly recovers. Anesthsiologist tells us it's called vasal vegal reaction and will be a lifetime issue. Explains why a few years ago when she got a vaccine at the pediatricians office, she's fine and we get up to the front to pay the bill and she passes out!! Leave it to her to add excitement to the day.

Because of the reaction, the Anesth. Dr did not want to proceed with giving her the shoulder nerve block they would usually do that would provide the pain blocking for the next day. Dr says they may try it in the recovery room if everything is going ok.

We'll see!!! Waiting time now.


1 comment:

Stacey said...

well my goodness...what excitement. Have to chuckle....I've seen more than my fair share of "vagal responses..."...Bummer...hope she is feeling better and that her pain is well controlled, even without the block...give her a big hug...well maybe a soft pat from me...