Friday, May 15, 2009


It's Friday ... Thank Goodness!!!

I've been remiss this week at keeping up the blog. It's been a busy week as will the remainder of the month of May!! It's like the schools and all activities just press the Fast Forward button to get everything in before the end of May. It's just crazy and we run, run, run. Add a busy work schedule in right now and it's just nuts here. June can't come fast enough!!

A couple of updates:

One Wing .... our pet name for Rachel right now..... is doing just fine with her shoulder surgery recovery. Managing through with one arm through such fun with help from Mom!

Baseball Update - Stephen's team, the Knights, had their final regular season game last night and have placed 3rd place overall. YAY Knights!! The end of season Tournament begins on Saturday... not sure how this one is played. End of year party to come as well and is still trying to be determined.

Laila graduates from UT Arlington this weekend, so we're traveling there to support her and enjoy this great accomplishment!! Look for great pictures to come.

Photography class - going fabulously. I'm only mildly behind which is good and I'm learning a lot of good information.

Have a great weekend everyone!!



Lynn said...

Congrats all around. I was thinking today about how your daughter was doing; it is neat that Stephen's team did so well; and such a wonderful accomplishment for Laila.

Enjoy your weekend. :D

Stacey said...

Totally her ya about the "end of school year cRaZiNeSs"... I'm going NuTtY!! Congrats to Laila!! I know John (and you of couse) are very proud!