Monday, May 4, 2009

Heidi Swapp

Saturday, Rachel and I took a little outing as she was feeling ok and wanted to get out of the house for a little bit.  Saturday was National Scrapbooking Day and one of my favorite local scrapbook stores, By Design Scrapbooking, had a wonderful scrapbook designer in town for the weekend.  Heidi Swapp!  Her link is on my right sidebar if you want to check her out.  Rachel loves her as well as she designs very pink, very divaish type girlie stuff.  Rachel wants her room decorated with all the stuff she designs!  Heidi was here doing workshops on Friday and Saturday.  I didn't sign up for the workshops because of Rachel's surgery.  Didn't really know how she would be feeling and if I'd feel comfortable leaving her.   But we LOVED seeing her and watch her use all her great scrapbook design stuff.  The Invisibles and Masks are just really cool.

We also went out to dinner on Saturday night and with a couple of meds in her, Rachel was a little loopy!  She was funny to watch and listen to.  :-)

Rachel Update: 

She's doing pretty well as long as we keep the pain meds going every 4 hours or so.  We've started to ween off of it a bit stretching it out and adding Advil in between.  Today was the magic day when we could take off the bandages and she could take a real shower!!   She was quite thrilled and felt much better afterwards!  I did keep her home today just to make sure we could get the bandages off, the shower and see how she did in general today.  Still hurts... but she's going to try to go to school tomorrow.

Baseball Update:

Stephen had a game tonight and they won handily this evening.  Stephen did fine.  They play their toughest games coming up on Thursday and Saturday!  Good luck Knights!!

Have a great evening!



Anonymous said...

So glad that she's doing so well. Guess she does have to get off the pain meds before going back to school? Or can she get them from the nurse at school?
One more day til S's big day!

Lynn said...

It is amazing but wonderful to see her doing so well.

Stacey said...

so glad Rachel is doing well....great job Knights!!!