Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Historic Moments

Today was one of those moments in our lives... A Historic Moment.... One we should stop and recognize no matter our political beliefs. Our nation has inaugurated its first African American president - President Barack Obama. Unfortunately, due to work commitments, I was unable to watch any of this event. I'm going to be reading the text from his speech to catch up!

Tonight was Night 2 of Beth Moore's spring Bible Study - The Inheritance. Boy, she is good. It just feels like the light bulb goes on every time I spend time in one of her studies!! I love it. I wish this one had a workbook to go along with it, but I am completely enjoying this study.

I think I was so thrilled about my CVS savings on Sunday, I forgot to say thank you to my friend Michelle and her husband, Tom, for inviting me over for a great dinner (yummy yummy brussel sprouts, brisket and potatoes with a fantastic pumpking soup to start and a really yummy cheesecake to finish not to mention the appetizers)and some fantastic wine on Saturday evening!! I had a great time hanging out with them while my hubby was out roughing it in the outdoors. Also enjoyed meeting their really cool friends - Anthony & Sean!! Thanks so much for the evening!! I had a really nice time!

***************Baby Harper Update***************

Keep praying!!! Baby Harper has a very serious case of pneumonia and is holding her own for now. Please pray for God to heal her and help her parents through this tough time. See her blog (big button on the right) for more information about this very sweet family.


Later!! Bedtime now!!


1 comment:

Lynn said...

Our ladies Bible class did the Beth Moore introduction yesterday on the "Esther, It's Tough Being A Woman" study. Her passion for The Word is infectious! There is no doubt that the next nine weeks will be filled with inspiration, the love of knowledge, energy and fun.
