Friday, October 10, 2008

My favorite word is FRIDAY!!

Wow.. what a week it's been around here. I've never been so glad to see a Friday roll around for some rest and relaxation.

Week started off pretty busy with a business trip for me to Phoenix Monday returning Tuesday. I was asked to speak at a training session for future Sales Consultants (like me) about Treasury Roles & Responsibilities and go through a day in the life of a Cash Manager on the practitioners side. It was a nice honor and I enjoyed sharing my experiences of corporate life. Came back on Tuesday evening tired! Long way to go (3 hours flight) for an hour and a half but it was worth it.

John held down the fort while I was gone - band practices, getting the kids ready for school, and scout meeting. He always does such a great job and I appreciate him so much!

Rachel wasn't feeling so well mid week having some sort of allergy problem or cold. She's recovered. She also had her first physical therapy appointment this week on Thursday. Her shoulders are messed up so the orthopedic dr. has her going to physical therapy three times a week for the next month. We go back to see him in a couple of weeks and there may be a surgery in her future for her left shoulder which is really loose and pops out of socket regularly. She is just hoping we can get her through soccer season from December through March before any surgery.

I'm having a quiet weekend at home. Rachel is going to the football game tonight with the band but is not marching. I'm just not going there right now. All day tomorrow is marching band contest (Bands of America) in Pearland. Literally, ALL DAY - Rachel has to be there at 8:30 am and won't be done until 11 pm tomorrow night. She IS marching tomorrow, so I'll go and watch them march. Stephen is off camping with the Scounts and John is off at the Ranch until Monday. So.... it's a quiet weekend for me. Catching up on my shows from the week that I've TiVo'd.


1 comment:

Stacey said...

Have fun catching up with your shows....I love evenings like that....