Sunday, August 30, 2009

Sunday, August 30

So ... we are just living life and I've not been a very good blogger these days. It was an ultra busy week with everything starting again last week.

Days are really long with schedules such that we are up at 5:00 am every morning and a couple of us out of the house by 5:30 am. Not winding things down at night until 10 or 10:30 pm makes for some very, very tired adults & kids by the end of the week. Rachel's day on Friday was absolutely crazy actually ... at school for band practice by 6:00 am and I was picking her up at school at 9:00 pm after the high school scrimmage game where she had to work in her trainer capacity. Craziness... craziness...... she claimed she wasn't tired but she fell asleep within 1 hour of coming home and sitting on the couch. :-)

So tired that we really didn't do a blessed thing this weekend. The only thing we accomplished this weekend was figuring out how to connect the computer to the TV so we could watch the Dallas Cowboys game that was blacked out here in Houston last night.

New week coming up right now.... parent night at the new school... band... baseball... etc. Good times!!

Will come up with something fun to write about soon.



Lynn said...

Your new background is truly delightful. I have to ask. On which program are you designing these wonderful backgrounds?

Mary-Austin said...

Hey Lynn! I use Photoshop Elements. I desire the full Photoshop CS, designing software but it's just too gosh darn expensive. Can't quite justify it. So... it's Elements for me. Works pretty well for the most part.

Thanks for the kind comments about it!! The designing part is easier then making some of the adjustments on blogger in the html code. Took me awhile to size it all up and figure it out not having a clue really about html. Amazing what you can self-teach on the internet!!