Sunday, December 14, 2008

Things don't always go as planned in our world.....

Today was THE DAY!! The day to get all the Christmas decorating items OFF MY LIST!! We had 2 trees to decorate, Secret Santa presents to by for Stephen's class, items to hang around the house, teacher gifts to wrap, and a few other items to complete.

We were up early this morning and started with the decorating of the tree. You will see the kids were helpful, but Rachel wasn't quite into it and her brother captured it quite nicely in the pictures! We got the trees decorated...... eventually.

Went to Walgreens to get the Secret Santa items for which we were successful. Some young lady in his class will be quite happy with the results!
We get back to the house and head out front to fix our Frosty the Snowman who doesn't seem to be able to standup very well these days - it's also really windy here today. Stephen decided to come out to help me and on the way out, the wind caught our front door (the backdoor was open creating a little wind tunnel apparently) and it slammed onto his right hand fingers!! YIKES!!! Emergency Clinic here we come!! Right into the house, ice and then decision time to determine if a trip is necessary. Fingers started swelling and you could see the line where the door hit his fingers - the pinkie, ring and middle. We have this really cool 24 hour Emergency Clinic right around the corner that we've been to a few times with various ankles, cuts etc. So... off we go to see if he has any broken fingers. They got us right in with very little wait and took an xray, which by the way, we have on a CD which is pretty cool. Anyway, it doesn't appear as if there are any fractures, although the doctor said he thought there may be a small crack, but the radiologist did not confirm it. Just a lot of swelling and bruising. They splinted it and said to continue the ice and see how things go for the next couple of days. He can bend them, they just hurt really badly and are turning black/blue.

On to the fun part.... finally finished the decorating today!! It's about time right?? LOL.... Anyway, took some pictures of my favorite ornaments and such around the house tonight which was kind of fun. We did two trees this year. One in the living room with all the main ornaments and not as many lights as normal. Just really hate putting the lights on the tree so I just decided to not too quite as many this year!! I did a second tree in the study which is my Texas Tree and has white lights and red jalapeno lights on it with a lot of Texas/Western ornaments. It's really cute!! We also put Stephen's special State of Texas ornaments on this tree so they can be seen and they are Texas!

The kids were playing around this evening so I snapped some of them as well. Doesn't look like his hand is bothering him too much in these (could be the Tylenol w/codeine they gave him!). And they are laughing with each other .... not yelling! It was quite funny.....

Watching the Cowboys right now play the Giants. They are leading at the moment and let's all say a prayer!!

We have an ULTRA busy week coming up before the holidays begin on Friday!! Rachel has her MRI tomorrow afternoon, flute lessons tomorrow night, her band concert on Tuesday night, doctor's appointment on Weds, and a Soccer Event on Thursday evening. Stephen has a Math Benchmark and Scouts on Tuesday, band rehearsal on Weds. and band concert on Thursday! Whew...... and that doesn't even include my work stuff!!

Have a great evening!

1 comment:

Stacey said...

Wow, hope Stephen feels better soon!!! And that the Tylenol with Codeine continues to keep him comfortable...Let us know about the MRI asap...