Friday, October 30, 2009

October 30, 1993 - One Day Away

On this day 16 years ago, I was ...
  • One day away from one of the greatest achievements of my life.
  • One day away from God showing me one purpose for my life here on Earth.
  • One day away from being a Mother.
  • One day away from assuming the responsibility for raising another human being.
  • One day away from meeting this wonderful little baby girl named Rachel.

Today, we are one day away from the 16th anniversary of this amazing event and my little baby girl Rachel has turned into an amazingly wonderful young lady.


16 years ago on October 30, 2009 (Saturday that year), I was pregnant with my first child. I was still pregnant on October 30, even though she was really DUE on Friday, October 29th. I was big, fat, uncomfortable and praying this child would make her way into the world soon. It had not been an altogether great pregnancy. The baby was great and healthy. Her mommy’s system didn’t take too well to all those pregnancy hormones causing a lot of nausea and the resulting praying to the porcelain gods on a very consistent basis. :-)

The day started as any other normal day (except for being 9 months pregnant of course). It was a normal day. No inkling of labor starting. Nothing. Nada. Decided to go take a walk around the Galleria in hopes of jump starting the labor process. Walked... waddled... walked... waddled .... and walked some more ..... ate lunch. Came home and collapsed on the couch. Was tired from all that waddling around the Galleria. Somewhere around 4 pm, I started to feel something. Something that seemed like it got a little more regular. Hmmm... maybe this was the time?? It started to get a little bit uncomfortable too. It would be awhile later (and actually a few years later) when I really understood what labor pain really feels like. This was just baby stuff but heck, I didn’t know that. This was my first!! It was something to me.

I called my Mom & Dad who were at a conference of some kind. Called Perry & Stacey. Everyone was on baby standby just waiting for “the time” and “the call”. We had all sorts of plans and instructions of phone numbers to call to reach everyone. This was the first grandchild you know. A very special event. We have since celebrated the birth of every baby in the same way. Everyone has made it for each one!!

We went to the hospital not long after that to be told it was too early and that I wasn’t in real labor yet. So... home again we go. Mom & Dad & Perry had made it into town by that time and we all met back at our house. It turned out it was real labor - just early labor. More to the story tomorrow.....

For now, I’m enjoying the day before the big event!


Lynn said...

Takes me back to my first. Although there was no doubt that this was it.
lol I was taking a nap when my water broke. Three hours later, I had a 7 pound 10 oz. boy.

Looking forward to tomorrow's installment.

Anonymous said...

I remember that day (and the next) like it was yesterday. We were sitting at a conference at our church and when that call came we shot out of there as though the baby were being delivered within the hour. Oh, the joys of anticipation waiting upon the arrival of this blessed and beautiful little girl. God is good.