Thursday, March 19, 2009

We Survived.....

Well... we survived... or rather "I" survived!!  Rachel, of course, with her young feet, young body and an ability to survive without much sleep, did just well without any issues.  I, of course, with my old fee, old body and a definitely inability to survive without much sleep, is just so glad to be home.  I've slept A LOT the past couple of days just to catch up!!  

Our chartered flight arrived back in Houston late Tuesday night.  After all was said and done (the loading of the luggage on school buses, returning to the high school, gathering of luggage and home), it was midnight!    Straight to bed I went and didn't see light again until 11:00 AM on Weds!!  My ... that was nice!!

John was so sweet and just knew we'd need some real food, so he made us a big brunch to welcome us home!!  We just lounged most of the day.  The kids had dental appointments so we ran over there for an hour and then home again.  Laundry, going through mail, just hanging out.  Nice..... Topped off the day with a trip to our favorite Mexican restaurant, Los Ramirez.  Then, home and in bed by 9:30 pm!!  YAY......

Comments on the trip:
For the most part, the kids did very well on the trip.  I had a great group of girls I was responsible for and by responsible, I mean, making sure they got up in the morning, on the buses, and into the park.  Once inside the park, they checked in with me twice a day and had to meet me at the end of the day to go out of the park.  Once back at the hotel, I would visit with them at Lights Out Time with information about the next day, chat for a few minutes and then tell the be good little girls and stay in their rooms!!  :-)   Of course, not leaving that to chance, we put tape on their doors so we KNOW whether they stayed in their rooms.  I remove it in the morning at Wake Up Time.... funny huh!!  They were all really great kids!!

Amazingly, out of 130 kids and 25 chaperones, only two kids ever lost their 3 day Disney ticket.  That's pretty amazing!!  As far as I know, we only had one other kid that lost something important like ID/phone/wallet.  Pretty amazing if you ask me.

Rachel had fun for the most part.  I think they were all tired of each other by the end of the trip and there was a rule that you had to hang out with a group of 3 or more, so that's tough when you have multiple people in a group wanting to do different things.  They worked through it, but I think everyone was growing weary by the end of the trip so she ended up hanging out with me a little here and there.

Ok - well, time for me to get moving.  I have a goal for today.... finally ... after 19 years, am going to go to the Social Security Office and officially change my name!!  It's still in my maiden name and gee, since I married, divorced and married again, I have a few name changes to catch up with!!!  Once I get that fixed.... I'm tackling my driver's license and then passport!!!  Don't we love bureaucracy!!   

Have a great day!!


1 comment:

Stacey said...

Glad you are home safe and sound....sleep some for me would ya???