Friday, March 27, 2009

Catching Up a Little....

Finally, a few minutes to catch my breath as the weekend is here again!!  The only requirement on our time this weekend is a baseball game!  Sunday I head to Galveston for a couple of days at a convention related to work.  

Wimberley Weekend - March 6-8

Aren't they just beautiful!!!   Married nearly 45 years now.... 

My parents (Austin & Walter) have birthdays right next to each other on February 28th and March 1.  Leap Years put a day in between but normally, just one day after another.  John and I decided this year to celebrate their birthday's, we'd treat them to a wonderful weekend at The Blair House in Wimberley where there is peace and quiet.  The only caveat was.... we made them spend it with us!!  ha ha ha .... they probably would have liked to have spent it alone, but hey, we wanted to go back there too!!

I'm pretty sure my parents had a good time (you'll have to ask them) and I know we did!!  We all got up there by 5 o'clock on Friday afternoon and were able to check in to our adorable rooms at The Blair House Inn (Dallas and El Paso rooms), which I just can't recommend enough!!  That place is so nice and Mike and Vicki are really good at making you feel so welcomed.  The rooms are just beautiful and it's a relaxing atmosphere.

Friday night we went to a local Mexican food place which was pretty good - we were happily surprised.  You never know what you're going to get with Mexican but it was tasty.  I believe the name of the restaurant was Juan Henry's (or Juan Enrique on the sign) and it's on River Road.  You won't see it from the main street turnoff.  You have to drive just a little around a few bends and then it pops right up on the right!!  We liked a little stone parrot that greeted on you on a stone bench we saw outside the restaurant.

On Saturday, we had a fabulous breakfast at Blair House and then went out to the really big Market Days which are held the first weekend of the month in Wimberley.  We had quite a good time there and it was a lot bigger than we thought.  I think we all bought something and had quite a nice puzzle trying to fit it all in the Jeep at the end.  Here are a few pics from then:

Felt this chair might have a place of honor and Meme & Poppy's house!!  Although I doubt little Allie or the others 3 would enjoy it much.....:-)

Browsing...... shopping.... John was on a mission to find a new Cowboy hat since our little puppy, Jesse, ate the last one.

Dad was contemplating bringing this lovely animal home to adorn their house.   I don't think Mom saw that one..... luckily, he made the right choice and left it for someone else to adopt!

John found his hat!!

This guy was playing a really cool instrument that unfortunately, I can no longer remember the name of!!  LOL... but... it sounded neat and immediately entranced my father for awhile.  He likes any type of instrument with strings.... guitars, mandolins, etc.  I wouldn't be surprised if he's looked it up and it appears on a future Christmas List.  :-)

This simply was a picture of something I'd like John to make for me at home!!  See... I figure if I take a picture of it, describing it later will be so much easier and give something for John to understand what I'm talking about!!

My big purchase..... boxes with thread.  I'm actually going to use them for scrapbooking items but the thread in here is really cool as well.  Bought these from a man whose mother really can't see well enough any longer to do her stichery, so he was selling them.  

From Market Days, we proceeded to hit the Olive Orchard Tour again at Bella Vista to visit Jack and his Olive Orchard.  As expected, I think my parents enjoyed the tour and tasting. We all came home with some good olive oil and olives!!

After the Olive Orchard, we went to Driftwood Winery for a wine tasting!!  That was fun and the place is very beautiful.  Here are Dad and John enjoying a glass of wine. 

I think we needed a respite after such a busy day (or at least I did)!!  We headed back to The Blair House for a little nap and relaxation before dinner.

Dinner tonight was at The Blair House and was another really fine meal.  The menu was Texas Pesto Shrimp (I had a wonderful Portobello Mushroom in place due to my shellfish allergy), Tortilla Soup, Spinach Salad, and some fabulous Braised Shortribs!!  It was delish!!  All served with some nice Chilean and Argentinian red wines.  YUMMY!!!  

Dessert - given it was a special occasion (birthdays), the dessert came out with candles!!  HAPPY BIRTHDAY AUSTIN & WALTER (Mom & Dad)!!

I love taking pictures.... love it.... just realize that I'm usually never in any of them!!  I think maybe my Mom may have taken one on her camera of John and me together, not sure.

Sorry this post is late... but better late than never!!!


Knights - Little League Minor Baseball Player - Stephen 
in the dugout getting ready to go up to the plate!!

Their team - KNIGHTS!!

Stephen running in to Home Plate to SCORE ONE for the team!!  YAY Stephen!!  Was hoping he would slide, but since there was not a play at home, he didn't have to.  

Stephen had a great first game of the season - a fabulous catch of a flyball, a great catch made a second base to get a guy out, and a HIT!!! to bring in a runner and make it to first base.  Very proud of him!!!

A few more pics here ---- TONS more in the Flickr photo gallery.  You may notice he's wearing some black sports glasses.  He can really hit the ball now that he can see it really well!!  

Ok - well off to Game #2 today!!!  Have a great weekend!!



Lynn said...

Sounds like you all had a wonderful time in Wimberley. It is a great little town, isn't it.
I have heard for years how great the food is at Blair House, but being stick in the muds, we haven't made it over there yet.

Stephen looks great in his uniform.
I know how very proud you are of him and the baseball game sounds like it was very exciting.

PS: You have your mother's smile. :D

Mary-Austin said...

Awww thanks Lynn!! :-)

Anonymous said...

Way to go Stephen! Proud of you.
I second MA's recommendation of the Blair House in Wimberley. It's a fabulous place and was great fun to be there with MA and John. What a truly wonderful and special way to celebrate our birthdays - we had a wonderful time!
Austin (aka. Mom and Meme)