Sunday, June 6, 2010

Whew... I've been gone awhile....

Perhaps soon I'll change my blog from Easter to summer... LOL!! Yea... it's been crazy.

Anyway.. what have I been doing? Lots and lots and lots. Maybe I'll be able to blog about it all soon.

First thing's first.... I've been spending a fair amount of time learning to use my Lightroom really well. Just came up with this collage of my little nieces/nephew. I think it looks pretty nice!

Browning Kids 2x2 Pic

In other news.... we had a first around here today. Luckily, no one was hurt! A little shook up though! Rachel was involved in her first car accident today. She and a friend were on their way to Galveston (in my jeep.. unfortunately) and while they were traveling down 61st street towards the Seawall, some dude comes barreling out of a gas station without yielding and sideswipes the right front panel of the Jeep! Luckily she saw him and put her breaks on or who knows where they would have hit the car. Everyone is fine...... The stupid dude sped off at 70 mph so he couldn't be held accountable for his actions! Given his car was already pretty beat up, I would imagine he doesn't have insurance either. Fun stuff. Get to fix my jeep now!

Back again soon... hopefully.

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