Sunday, September 13, 2009

Football... Band... More Football....

It’s that time again folks. Time for us to become engrained in both the Friday Night Lights of high school football as well as the Sunday Fun of NFL and the Dallas Cowboys!!

Let’s start with Friday Night Football ..... Friendswood Mustangs vs. Brazoswood

Away game down in Freeport, TX. It was threatening to rain all day and evening but the football game went on and so did the band. I chaperoned this game for the band kids and it was the first game I had attended which is the second game of the season. I was having flashbacks all night long with all the great memories I have from my band days 25 years ago. It’s truly amazing that it’s been that long because it just doesn’t feel like it.

Long bus ride and luckily, the weather was actually pretty nice down there in Freeport with the wind blowing somewhat nicely keeping the air feeling a little cool. Unfortunately, the actual football game was pretty boring the first half with the score at the half Brazoswood 21 Friendswood 0. Halftime was great watching the kids march their show albeit backwards since they were facing the Home side for their show. Second half was better for the Mustangs - scoring 18 points. The game ended with the Brazoswood Bucs winning over the Mustangs with a score of 28 -18.

Football is on tap each and every Friday through the first Friday in November, barring any post season play.

I took lots of pictures of the Band on Friday and here are a few. More in the Gallery.

Miss Rachel

Warming up for their performance!

Storms were Looming at the Friday Night Lights


NEXT....... Dallas Cowboy Opening Game today against the Tampa Bay Bucs in Tampa Bay!! Noon game which means John started cooking the Game Day Meal yesterday and it’s been slowly cooking all night. Rene and his boys are coming over to watch the game and we’re all going to be feasting on John’s Menudo and Carnitas very shortly!!

Our special Game Day Cowboy clothing for each of us has been packed away until this morning when it was pulled out and placed very lovingly on our beds for each of us to wear once we have eaten!! No eating allowed in the special clothes according to the Dallas Task Master.

Our family wagering has begun as well and John is telling me the only reason I won last year was because he just wasn’t paying attention last year. I wonder what the excuse was for the year before?? :-) Anyway.... we’re making our picks again for this year with weekly winners and awards (not sure yet what those are, ideas welcome) and end of season awards. Let the games begin!

Back later with pictures and comments from the day!!

PS - The Cowboys thankfully won today so it was a good evening at the Cox House!

One Year Ago THIS Weekend - Hurricane Ike
This weekend a year ago, we were scurrying around every day looking for gas to fuel the power generator. We were living off grilled foods and hurricane supplies trying not to open the refrigerators or freezers very much. We were very lucky to have a generator too!! We didn’t have air conditioning and while Saturday was a miserable day and night without it, God blessed us on Sunday with a cool front that made it very bearable to be without the comforts we are normally accustomed too. We were blessed in that our power came back up on Monday evening and while we had already made the necessary plans to be able to power the TV with generator for the Monday Night Cowboy Game, we didn’t have to in the end with our power coming back up! Luckily, AT&T had their network up and running.

We were blessed to not have any major issues to deal with in the aftermath of Ike. If you’re interested in reading about our experiences with the hurricane, go back through the Archives to September 11 and start reading forward. I went and read them again. I wouldn’t have been able to do that had I not been keeping a blog. I wouldn’t have all those memories written down like I do without it. I’m so glad I started this blog!!


Stacey said...

Cute pic of Rachel!! Macie is already talking about marching band next year...oh my!

Anonymous said...

love the band pics - she's precious, of course!
Happy that the Cowboys won - makes for a better week for all of you.